
Classes at K-10 Dog Training, no matter the age of your dog, focus on building a solid positive relationship between you and your pet.  The classes use methods backed by science and focus on life skills that most dog owners desire of their canine companions.  There is also one-on-one instruction for owners dealing with dogs with problem behaviors.  Whether you are building new desired behaviors or you need help modifying unwanted ones, there is something for you at K-10.

Private Lesson  Many classes at K-10 use a private lesson format.  Private lesson are purchased in packages of 5 lessons.  Private lessons allow one-on-one attention so that new behaviors can be taught, and problem behaviors can be resolved based on the individual needs of the dog owner and the dog.  These lessons allow flexibility so you and your dog can progress to the level of training you desire at your own pace.

Although most lessons are scheduled once per week, private lessons offer flexibility.  Training can be scheduled around your child’s school activities, scheduled appointments, shifting work schedule, etc.  Classes are scheduled based on a time when both you and your trainer are available.  It should be noted, however, that consistency is essential for your dog’s learning experience.  Too much time between lessons can be detrimental to the learning progression unless the owner is consistently reinforcing those skills during absences.

Small Group Classes  On a limited basis, K-10 Dog Training offers small group classes.  Like private lessons, unless specified differently, group classes are 5 weeks in length.  Group classes do lack the flexibility of Private lessons as class times are set to specific days and time as noted in the description for the class.  For most group classes, minimum class size is 2 and maximum class size is 4  unless otherwise noted.  Group classes teach your dog to focus on you while there are the distractions of other owners and dogs. If a group class format is available for a class, it will be indicated in the class description. It should be noted that a group class format is not a good fit for dogs with excessive reactivity or aggressive tendencies until those issues are resolved.

Current Classes at K-10 Dog Training

Let’s meet!

New students to K-10 Dog Training must take the “Let’s Meet” class prior to signing up for training.    This is a one-time orientation class intended for just dog owners.  This class gives you the tools to start building that solid positive relationship with your dog.  It is free to anyone who continues with training at K-10.  If no subsequent classes are taken, there is a charge for the orientation class.

Let’s Get Started – The Basics

Private Lesson Format available for all puppies and dogs, no matter the age.

Note:  Group Lesson Format is also available for puppies under 16 weeks of age when minimum number of puppies are available.  Puppy class includes time for socialization with other puppies as appropriate and other handlers.

There’s a lot packed into this 5-week introductory class all puppies and dogs.

For the handler:

  • You will learn the foundation skills of positive reinforcement marker training.
  • You’ll learn and practice maintaining a high rate of reinforcement which increases the reliability of learned behaviors.
  • You will learn the importance of raising the criteria for reinforcement to shape well-honed behaviors all while building a solid relationship with your pet.

For the dog:

  • All the basics are available such sit, down, stay, recall, and loose leash walking.
  • The name game will teach the dog to quickly respond to his name and orient back to the handler.
  • Handlers will be taught how to teach a default behavior and a release cue.
  • Games that reinforce the dogs focus on the handler are part of this training as a strong focus on the handler and ability to ignore distractions is a foundation for later off-leash work.
  • Leave-it and Drop will be taught so the dog will know what is available to him and what is not.
  • Dogs will learn to orient, go to and stay of the mat until released.

Take it to the Next Level and Beyond

Prerequisite class – The Basics

Private Lesson Format

These are 5-week packages is for dogs that already know the Basics.  Students will learn to add more distance, distractions, and durations to already known cues.  Students will also learn to “Up the Criteria for Reinforcement” as well as use “Life Reward” and “Enrichment” to reward your dog for desired behaviors.  Your dog will work on longer-distance recalls and stays with increasing distractions.  There are no limits to this class.  Add new behaviors of your choice including fun tricks – it’s up to you.  Continue to build the relationship with your pup!

Really Reliable Recall

Group Class Format

Summer Workshop – Group Workshops where your dog learns a special recall cue which will  help to ensure your dog will respond in those emergency situations.  Workshops will likely be scheduled on a Sunday afternoon.  Watch for dates on the K-10 Facebook page.

The 5 student maximum does not apply to this workshop.

Canine Good Citizen Training and Testing

Private Lesson Format

Canine Good Citizen is a 10-skill test that teaches good manners to dogs and responsible dog ownership to their owners.  Successful completion can be registered with the American Kennel Club. This is a five-week prep class which prepares you to take the CGC Canine Good Citizen test.  The 10-skill test is conducted at the last class.

Canine Good Citizen Testing

This is for students that are ready to take the AKC CGC Test without initial instruction.  Testing will be scheduled as needed.  Find out more information about the AKC Canine Good Citizen test at

Diamonds in the Ruff

Do you have a reactive dog? Does your dog bark excessively when people come to your door? Does your dog lunge and bark when walking on leash if you pass by other dogs or people? It doesn’t matter if your dog is reactive due to over-excitement or fear – reactivity is reactivity.

This class, in and of itself, will not “Fix” your dog’s reactivity. Working with a reactive dog is a process. Each dog is different. The timeframes for progress are different. The actual processes used may be different. There is no magic pill that stops your dog’s reactivity.

What this class will do is two-fold:

  1. This class will give you, the dog handler, a better understanding of your dog’s reactivity. Why won’t my dog listen to me when he’s lunging and barking? What does keeping my dog under threshold mean? Why is it important to control my dog’s environment and what does that mean?
  2. This class will teach you and your dog “tools” that you will use as you work with your dog. These behaviors will help you manage and redirect your dog when a triggering event is nearby. Most importantly, you will learn to work on “changing your dog’s mind” about the triggering event. You will not just be masking the symptoms – you will be working to change your dog’s behavior.

Canine Problem Solving

Private Lesson Format

Need extra help with your dog’s reactivity.  One-on-One help is available.  Come in for a consultation to determine the best approach to work with your pup.  K-10 will develop a plan and then work with you. Don’t suffer through it alone – contact us for one-on-one help.

K-10 Dog Training

K-10 Dog Training